Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Update

Our house is coming along nicely. Every week we go up to the lot there is more and more done on it. Here are some picture of the house week by week. Every week we get more excited that the time we get to move in gets closer and closer. Week 1 pics are already posted a couple weeks ago.

Week 2: They filled in the foundation

Week 3: Starting to frame. Front and back.

Week 4: Filling in the gaps. Front, back, entry way and inside house.


Anonymous said...

Cool! What is your target finish date?

The Bengtzen Family said...

Looks like its coming together fast. I cant wait for bunko to be at your house!

Rob and Lindsay said...

We are hoping the end of july. I am exctied for it to be at my house too.

Anonymous said...

How is it coming along? :)

Rob and Lindsay said...

It is coming along. We have doors and windows, and the tubs and showers are set. All the electrical just got done last week we think they will sheetrock in the next 2 weeks. I will post photos soon.

The Bengtzen Family said...

OK Linds... time to update!! :)