Monday, March 10, 2008

Parkers birthday party

Rob and I took my little brother and all his friends out paintballing for his bithday party. It was a lot of fun. My dad and brother in-law came too. I couldn't convince Rissa to come I even said I would bring twix and she still said no. When we got to the feild there were some people there but they left shortly after that so we had the whole feild to ourselves. I didnt get to play much because 2 guns were not working right, but that is ok it was more for parkers friends. Close to the end of the day we were running out of CO2 so some of the guns were out so the 4 that were left had a civil war style. That was way funny they keep going. then they all went fo a free for all until they were out of paint.
Then they just started to throw them at eachother (I think Randy started that one). Overall it was a good day. So if any of you want us to take you and your friends out let me know, its only 15 per person plus paint. Its a blast!


The Bengtzen Family said...

looks like fun... but sorry, i have NO desire to go paint balling.